Dexterity Typscript Scripts

A recolection of scripts that expose different ways to interact & fetch information from the Dexterity Protocol through the Typescript SDK


  1. Create TRG, Get TRGs, Deposit, Withdraw, Place Order

  2. Get all MPGs and their Products for each

  3. Orderbook

  4. Mark & Index Price

  5. Account info

  6. Instructions Bundle


Create a typescript project:

mkdir dexterity-project
cd dexterity-project
npm i typescript --save-dev
npx tsc --init

Install Dependencies:

npm install @solana/web3.js @hxronetwork/dexterity-ts @project-serum/anchor

Create a Solana Wallet and export your private/secret-key:

Send yourself some devnet SOL:

Send yourself some devnet UXDC to trade on Devnet:

Create TRG, Get TRGs, Deposit, Withdraw, Place Order:

import { Keypair, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import dexterityTs from '@hxronetwork/dexterity-ts';
import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor';
const dexterity = dexterityTs;

// Configure Solana Devnet connection and relevant constants
const rpc = "your-devnet-rpc-url";
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(new Uint8Array([])); // Replace with your private key
const wallet = new Wallet(keypair);
const pubkey = 'wallet-pubkey'; // Replace with your wallet public key
const MPG = "BRWNCEzQTm8kvEXHsVVY9jpb1VLbpv9B8mkF43nMLCtu";
const TRG = new PublicKey("your-created-trg"); // Replace with the TRG public key
const PRODUCT_NAME = 'SOLUSD-PERP'; // Replace with the desired product name

 * Creates a Trader Account (TRG) for a specified MPG.
 * Consumes 0.54 SOL in rent, which is refundable upon account closure.
const createTrg = async () => {
    const manifest = await dexterity.getManifest(rpc, true, wallet);
    const trg = await manifest.createTrg(new PublicKey(MPG));
    console.log('\nTRG: ', trg.toBase58());

 * Retrieves all Trader Accounts (TRGs) associated with a specified MPG for a given wallet.
const getTrgs = async () => {
    const manifest = await dexterity.getManifest(rpc, true, wallet);
    const trgArr = await manifest.getTRGsOfWallet(new PublicKey(MPG));
    const TRGs = => trg.pubkey);
    console.log(`\nTRGs:\n`, TRGs);


 * Deposits or withdraws a specified amount to/from a Trader Account (TRG).
const depositOrWithdraw = async (amount: number, type: 'deposit' | 'withdraw') => {
    const manifest = await dexterity.getManifest(rpc, true, wallet);
    const trader = new dexterity.Trader(manifest, TRG);
    const n = dexterity.Fractional.New(amount, 0);

    await trader.connect(NaN, async () => {
        console.log(`\nBALANCE: ${Number(trader.getCashBalance()).toLocaleString()} UXDC`);

    const callbacks = { 
        onGettingBlockHashFn: () => {}, 
        onGotBlockHashFn: () => {}, 
        onTxSentFn: (sig: string) => console.log(`\nSUCCESSFUL ${type.toUpperCase()} OF ${amount.toLocaleString()} UXDC\n${sig ? `SIGNATURE:${sig}?cluster=devnet` : ''}`),

    if (type === 'deposit') await trader.deposit(n, callbacks);
    if (type === 'withdraw') await trader.withdraw(n);

    await trader.connect(NaN, async () => {
        console.log(`\nBALANCE: ${Number(trader.getCashBalance()).toLocaleString()} USDC`);

depositOrWithdraw(1000, 'deposit');
depositOrWithdraw(500, 'withdraw');

 * Places a buy or sell order for a specified product in the MPG.
const placeOrder = async (type: 'buy' | 'sell', price: number, size: number) => {
    const manifest = await dexterity.getManifest(rpc, true, wallet);
    const trader = new dexterity.Trader(manifest, TRG);

    await trader.connect(NaN, async () => {
        console.log(`\nBALANCE: ${trader.getCashBalance()} | OPEN ORDERS: ${(await Promise.all(trader.getOpenOrders([PRODUCT_NAME]))).length} | POSITIONS VALUE: ${trader.getPositionValue()} | PNL: ${trader.getPnL()}`);

    // Find the index of the desired product within the MPG
    let ProductIndex;
    for (const [name, { index }] of trader.getProducts()) {
        if (name.trim() === PRODUCT_NAME.trim()) {
            ProductIndex = index;

    // Prepare order details
    const QUOTE_SIZE = dexterity.Fractional.New(size, 0);
    const priceFractional = dexterity.Fractional.New(price, 0);

    // Define callback functions for order handling
    const callbacks = {
        onGettingBlockHashFn: () => {},
        onGotBlockHashFn: () => {},
        onTxSentFn: (sig: string) => console.log(`\nSUCCESSFULLY PLACED LIMIT ${type.toUpperCase()} ORDER\nSIGNATURE:${sig}?cluster=devnet`)

    // Make sure Mark Prices are always up-to-date for orders to go through
    await trader.updateMarkPrices()

    // Place a limit order based on the specified type (buy or sell)
    if (type === 'buy') {
        await trader.newOrder(ProductIndex, true, priceFractional, QUOTE_SIZE, false {/*true = fillOrKill*/}, null, null, null, null, callbacks); // For a buy order
    } else if (type === 'sell') {
        await trader.newOrder(ProductIndex, false, priceFractional, QUOTE_SIZE, false {/*true = fillOrKill*/}, null, null, null, null, callbacks); // For a sell order

placeOrder('buy', 30000, 100);
placeOrder('sell', 30000, 50);

Get all MPGs and Products for each:

Get all the MPGs for dexterity on the selected Solana network (mainnet, devenet or testnet) and each of their products

import { Keypair } from '@solana/web3.js';
import dexterityTs from '@hxronetwork/dexterity-ts';
import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor';
const dexterity = dexterityTs;

// Replace with your private key
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(new Uint8Array([]));

// Initialize a wallet instance for Dexterity using the keypair
const wallet = new Wallet(keypair);

// Specify your RPC URL here
const rpc = 'rpc-url';

 * Retrieves and logs information about all Market Product Groups (MPGs) and their associated products.
 * Filters out a specific MPG if necessary.
const getMpgs = async () => {
    // Fetch the manifest from Dexterity which contains market information
    const manifest = await dexterity.getManifest(rpc, true, wallet);

    // Convert the MPG Map to an array for easier processing
    const mpgs = Array.from(manifest.fields.mpgs.values());

    // Iterate through each MPG to access its products
    for (const { pubkey, mpg, orderbooks } of mpgs) {
        // Skip a specific MPG if needed (replace "MPG-PUBKEY-HERE" with the actual public key to skip)
        if (pubkey.toBase58() === "MPG-PUBKEY-HERE") continue;

        // Iterate through each product in the MPG
        for (const [_, { index, product }] of dexterity.Manifest.GetProductsOfMPG(mpg)) {
            // Convert the product data to a more readable format
            const meta = dexterity.productToMeta(product);

            // Log the index and name of each product for debugging and information purposes
            console.log('productIndex: ', index);
            console.log('Name: ', dexterity.bytesToString(;



Get Live Orderbook ASK & BID data for a given product in a given MPG

import { Keypair } from '@solana/web3.js';
import dexterityTs from '@hxronetwork/dexterity-ts';
import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor';
const dexterity = dexterityTs;

// Initialize your keypair from your private/secret key
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(new Uint8Array([]));
// When working with a UI you need to use the DexterityWallet type
const wallet = new Wallet(keypair);
const rpc =
// Testnet MPG
const mpgPubkey = 'BRWNCEzQTm8kvEXHsVVY9jpb1VLbpv9B8mkF43nMLCtu';
// Desired Product
const productName = 'SOLUSD-PERP';

 * Asynchronously retrieves the order book for a specific product.
 * - Fetches the manifest containing market information.
 * - Filters to find the desired Market Product Group (MPG).
 * - Iterates through products to find the specific product and its associated market state.
 * - Initializes streaming of order book data for the selected product.
const getOB = async () => {
    // Fetch the manifest containing market information
    const manifest = await dexterity.getManifest(rpc, true, wallet);

    // Convert MPG map to an array for easier processing
    const mpgs = Array.from(manifest.fields.mpgs.values());

    // Find the MPG with the matching public key
    const selectedMPG = mpgs.filter(
        (value) => value.pubkey.toBase58() === mpgPubkey,

    // Initialize variables to store market state and product details
    let MarketState;
    let PRODUCT;
    let productIndex;

    // Loop through each MPG to find the desired product
    for (const { pubkey, mpg, orderbooks } of selectedMPG) {
        for (const [_, { index, product }] of dexterity.Manifest.GetProductsOfMPG(mpg)) {
            // Extract metadata of the product
            const meta = dexterity.productToMeta(product);

            // Check for the specified product name
            if (dexterity.bytesToString( === productName.trim()) {
                // Fetch the current state of the order book for the product
                MarketState = await manifest.fetchOrderbook(meta.orderbook);
                productIndex = index;

                // Determine the type of product and assign it to PRODUCT
                if (product.hasOwnProperty('outright')) {
                    PRODUCT = product.outright.outright;
                } else {
                    PRODUCT = product.combo.combo;

                // Logging for debugging purposes
                console.log('productIndex: ', productIndex);
                console.log('Name: ', dexterity.bytesToString(;

                // Break out of the loop once the desired product is found

    // Stream order book data for the selected product
    const { asksSocket, bidsSocket, markPricesSocket } = manifest.streamBooks(
        aggregateBookL2 // Callback function for handling streamed data


 * Aggregates and processes Level 2 order book data.
 * @param data The incoming order book data, containing asks and bids.
function aggregateBookL2(data: any) {
    // Define the structure for cumulative order data
    interface CumulativeOrder {
        price: number;
        ordersSize: number;

    // Check for the presence of both asks and bids
    if (data.asks.length !== 0 && data.bids.length !== 0) {
        const cumulativeBids = new Map<number, CumulativeOrder>();
        const cumulativeAsks = new Map<number, CumulativeOrder>();

        // Process bids
        data.bids.forEach((order: any) => {
            const price = order.price.toNumber();
            const quantity = order.quantity.toDecimal();

            if (cumulativeBids.has(price)) {
                cumulativeBids.get(price)!.ordersSize += quantity;
            } else {
                cumulativeBids.set(price, { price, ordersSize: quantity });

        // Process asks
        data.asks.forEach((offer: any) => {
            const price = offer.price.toNumber();
            const quantity = offer.quantity.toDecimal();

            if (cumulativeAsks.has(price)) {
                cumulativeAsks.get(price)!.ordersSize += quantity;
            } else {
                cumulativeAsks.set(price, { price, ordersSize: quantity });

        // Convert Maps to sorted arrays and limit to top 10
        const bids = Array.from(cumulativeBids.values()).sort((a, b) => b.price - a.price).slice(0, 10);
        const asks = Array.from(cumulativeAsks.values()).sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price).slice(0, 10);

        // Prepare and output the result
        let output = `Order book update received:\n\nASKS:\n`;
        asks.forEach((ask, index) => {
            output += `#${index + 1} QTY: ${ask.ordersSize} | PRICE: $${ask.price}\n`;

        output += '\nBIDS:\n';
        bids.forEach((bid, index) => {
            output += `#${index + 1} QTY: ${bid.ordersSize} | PRICE: $${bid.price}\n`;

        process.stdout.write('\u001b[?25h'); // Show cursor
    } else {
        // Handle missing data cases
        console.log(`Missing ${data.bids.length === 0 && data.asks.length > 0 ? 'BIDS' : data.asks.length === 0 && data.bids.length > 0 ? 'ASKS' : 'BIDS & ASKS'}`);

Mark & Index Price:

Fetch for Index & Mark prices for a desired product in a desired MPG

import { Keypair, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import dexterityTs from '@hxronetwork/dexterity-ts';
import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor';
const dexterity = dexterityTs;

// Initialize your keypair from your private/secret key
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(new Uint8Array([]));
// Initialize a wallet instance for Dexterity using the keypair
const wallet = new Wallet(keypair);
const rpc = '';
// Testnet Market Product Group (MPG) public key
const mpgPubkey = 'BRWNCEzQTm8kvEXHsVVY9jpb1VLbpv9B8mkF43nMLCtu';
// Trader Risk Group (TRG) for the selected MPG
const TRG = new PublicKey("your-created-trg")
// Name of the desired product
const productName = 'SOLUSD-PERP';
// Uninitialized account public key
const UNINITIALIZED = new PublicKey('11111111111111111111111111111111');

 * Periodically updates the market prices for products in a specified MPG.
 * - Initializes the Dexterity manifest.
 * - Creates a trader instance and repeatedly updates market prices.
const updatePrices = async () => {
    // Initialize the Dexterity manifest with the RPC endpoint and wallet
    const manifest = await dexterity.getManifest(rpc, true, wallet);

    // Create a trader instance for the specified MPG
    const trader = new dexterity.Trader(manifest, TRG);

    // Set an interval to periodically update market prices
    setInterval(async () => {
        // Update the mark prices for all products in the MPG
        await trader.updateMarkPrices();

        // Iterate through all products in the MPG
        for (const [productName, obj] of dexterity.Manifest.GetProductsOfMPG(trader.mpg)) {
            const { product } = obj;

            // Skip if the product name is empty
            if (!productName.trim()) {

            // Get metadata of the product
            const meta = dexterity.productToMeta(product);

            // Skip if the product key is uninitialized
            if (meta.productKey.equals(UNINITIALIZED)) {

            // Skip if the product is of type 'combo'
            if (product.combo?.combo) {

            // Update mark prices again (consider if this is necessary)
            await trader.updateMarkPrices();

            // Fetch and log the index and mark prices for the product
            const index = Number(dexterity.Manifest.GetIndexPrice(trader.markPrices, meta.productKey));
            const mark = Number(dexterity.Manifest.GetMarkPrice(trader.markPrices, meta.productKey));
            console.log({ index, mark });
    }, 500); // The interval is set to 500 milliseconds

Account info:

import { clusterApiUrl, Keypair, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor';
import dexterityTs from '@hxronetwork/dexterity-ts';
const dexterity = dexterityTs;

// Solana RPC URL for connecting to the blockchain
const rpc = '';

// Setting up our wallet using a private key to sign transactions and interact with the blockchain
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(new Uint8Array([]));
const wallet = new Wallet(keypair);

 * View account information and open orders for a specified trading group (TRG) in Dexterity.
const viewAccount = async () => {
  // Fetch the latest manifest from Dexterity
  const manifest = await dexterity.getManifest(rpc, false, wallet);

  // Specify the Market-Product-Group (MPG) public key
  const MPG = new PublicKey('BRWNCEzQTm8kvEXHsVVY9jpb1VLbpv9B8mkF43nMLCtu');
  const trgPubkey = new PublicKey('your-trg'); // Replace with actual TRG public key

  console.log(`Wallet: ${wallet.publicKey.toBase58()} TRG: ${trgPubkey.toBase58()}`);

  // Define the product name to filter orders
  const PRODUCT_NAME = ['SOLUSD-PERP']; // Array of product names

  // Create a trader instance to interact with Dexterity
  const trader = new dexterity.Trader(manifest, trgPubkey);

  // Function to stream and display account and order information
  const streamAccount = async () => {
    // Retrieve all open orders for specified products
    const orders = await Promise.all(trader.getOpenOrders(PRODUCT_NAME));

    // Format and display open orders
    if (orders.length === 0) {
      console.log('No Open Orders');
    } else {
      orders.forEach((order, index) => {
        console.log(`Index: ${index} | Product: ${order.productName} | Price: $${order.price.m} | Qty: ${order.qty.m.toNumber() / 10 ** 6} | Type: ${order.isBid ? 'Bid' : 'Ask'} | Id: ${}`);

    // Display account information
    console.log('\nOpen Orders:', orders.length, '\nPortfolio Value:', trader.getPortfolioValue().toString(), 'Position Value:', trader.getPositionValue().toString(), 'Net Cash:', trader.getNetCash().toString(), 'PnL:', trader.getPnL().toString());

  // Connect to the trader account and stream account information
  await trader.connect(streamAccount, NaN);


Instructions Bundles

import { clusterApiUrl, Keypair, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor';
import dexterityTs from '@hxronetwork/dexterity-ts';
const dexterity = dexterityTs;

// Solana RPC URL for connecting to the blockchain
const rpc = '';

// Set up the wallet using a private key to sign transactions
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(new Uint8Array([])); // Replace with actual private key
const wallet = new Wallet(keypair);

// Initialize constants like the Trader Account (TRG) and Product Index
const TRG = new PublicKey(''); // Replace with actual TRG public key
const PRODUCT_INDEX = 0; // Index for 'SOLUSD-PERP' or similar product

 * Demonstrates how to efficiently submit multiple instructions as a bundle.
const submitIxBundle = async () => {
    // Fetch the latest manifest from Dexterity
    const manifest = await dexterity.getManifest(rpc, true, wallet);

    // Create a trader instance to interact with Dexterity
    const trader = new dexterity.Trader(manifest, TRG);

    // Connect to the trader account and log account details
    await trader.connect(NaN, async () => {
        console.log(`\nBALANCE: ${trader.getCashBalance()} | OPEN ORDERS: ${(await Promise.all(trader.getOpenOrders([PRODUCT_NAME]))).length} | POSITIONS VALUE: ${trader.getPositionValue()} | PNL: ${trader.getPnL()}`);

    // Prepare order details using fractional values
    const sizeFractional = dexterity.Fractional.New(1, 0); // Replace with desired size
    const priceFractional = dexterity.Fractional.New(65, 0); // Replace with desired price

    // Define callback functions for handling order transactions
    const callbacks = {
        onGettingBlockHashFn: () => {},
        onGotBlockHashFn: () => {},
        onTxSentFn: (sig: string) => console.log(`SIGNATURE:${sig}?cluster=devnet`)

    // Generate the instruction for updating market prices
    const products = Array.from(dexterity.Manifest.GetProductsOfMPG(trader.mpg));
    const updateMarkIx = trader.getUpdateMarkPricesIx(products);

    // Generate the instruction for a new limit order
    const orderIx = trader.getNewOrderIx(PRODUCT_INDEX, false, priceFractional, sizeFractional, false, null, null, null, null);

    // Submit the bundled instructions
    await trader.sendTx([updateMarkIx, orderIx], callbacks);


Last updated